1: juvenile
2: childish, silly
Example Sentence
Brian misinterpreted Julie’s polite smile as an indication his flirtatious behavior was well received, when in reality, she thought his antics were pathetically puerile.
According to Merriam-Webster, “Puerile can describe the acts or utterances of an actual child, but it more often refers (usually with marked disapproval) to occurrences of childishness where adult maturity would be expected or preferred.”
If you’ve ever experienced the disapproving looks of someone more “sophisticated” or “mature” than you, you know how uncomfortable it can be to cross the line from silly to immature.
Where exactly is that line? It depends largely on the situation, atmosphere, and the persons on the receiving end of your behavior. For example, a whoopee cushion would send a room of ten-year-old boys into hysterics, but would threaten your credibility if utilized at a sophisticated dinner party.
If laughter is what you’re after, know your audience and utilize smart, comedic timing.
Stick to this strategy and you’re sure to be the life of the party rather than the puerile pain who never gets invited.
Definitions and pronunciation taken from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary
If you’ve ever experienced the disapproving looks of someone more “sophisticated” or “mature” than you, you know how uncomfortable it can be to cross the line from silly to immature.
Where exactly is that line? It depends largely on the situation, atmosphere, and the persons on the receiving end of your behavior. For example, a whoopee cushion would send a room of ten-year-old boys into hysterics, but would threaten your credibility if utilized at a sophisticated dinner party.
If laughter is what you’re after, know your audience and utilize smart, comedic timing.
Stick to this strategy and you’re sure to be the life of the party rather than the puerile pain who never gets invited.
Definitions and pronunciation taken from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary
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