Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trivia Tuesday: Beep Beep Beeeeeeep Beep

Break out your telegraphs everybody. Today is national Morse Code Day!

Morse code, named after the painter-turned-inventor F.B. Morse, is a form of communication in which letters, numbers and symbols are communicated through a series of rhythmic sounds.

In the early part of the 20th Century, Morse code served as one of the primary ways to communicate time-sensitive information internationally, using telegraph lines, undersea cables and radio circuits.

Today, however, with the exception of some isolated aviators and amateur radio operators, few people can make sense of these messages encrypted as "dots" and "dashes" or "dits" and "dahs."

If you ARE among the few who can interpret Morse code, today is your opportunity to shine.

Translate this message into everyday English:

.... ..- .-. .-. .- -.-- / .. - / .. ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -.. .- -.-

Take a guess in the comments section, and we’ll post the correct answer next week.

Answer to last week’s question: It takes just over 8 minutes for the sun’s rays to reach Earth. Congrats to Megan for guessing correctly!