Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: Fine feathered friends

Here in Olivet’s Office of Marketing Communications (home of Tiger Bytes bloggers), we’ve been listening to Christmas tunes non-stop for the past couple of weeks. For as the great philosopher Buddy the Elf once said, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”

There is one particular song, however, we often skip because it’s, well, annoying. You guessed it: The 12 Days of Christmas.

As bothersome as it is to sing or hear, though, consider how much more irksome it would be to actually receive the gifts listed in this popular tune. The birds alone would wreak havoc on anyone’s home!

If your true love were to send you all the gifts listed in the 12 Days of Christmas, how many birds would you have received over the 12-day period?

Hint: Remember, in addition to whatever new gift you receive each day, you would also be given all the gifts from previous days. For example, on the second day of Christmas, you would receive two turtle doves AND a partridge in a pear tree.

Take a guess in the comments section, and we’ll post the correct answer next week.

Answer to last week’s question: Popeye first appeared in a comic strip known as “Thimble Theater.” He was so popular with readers that E.C. Seager changed the name of the strip to “Popeye the Sailor.”


  1. Very tricky, but I think it would be 184 birds... right?

  2. You are correct! Great calculations, Amber. Wishing you a very merry, mostly bird-free, Christmas!
