Friday, October 16, 2009

Five on Friday

Featuring Jean Martin '72, director of annual giving

1. What's one thing you like to do when you have an afternoon with your grandkids?
One thing we all enjoy is walking and going to the park. My 4-year-old grandson loves to explore the playscapes. When they come to town (they think we live in Olivet City!), they love Perry Farm. The sand toys are probably Grady's favorite. His other grandparents are farmers, so he loves the farm-like environment.

2. We have heard you have remained close with several ladies you met while a student at Olivet. What is the secret to your long-lasting friendships?
My college friends do remain some of my nearest and dearest friends. There was a special bond that developed from living in the dorm environment for four years together. When we were students, we would visit our friends' homes for weekends and during summer breaks. We all became close with each other's families and still remain close.

Ever since college we have attempted to get together periodically. Now that our children are mostly grown, we have increased our get-togethers and try to do something annually. With friends in various states, it is always fun to visit and explore local attractions. Even more than sightseeing, we just love to be together and catch up with one another. Everyone says that we all assume the roles we each held as college friends, and we always share lots of laughter.

3. How did you and your husband meet?
My husband, Stan [associate director of alumni relations], and I met at Indianapolis First Church. That was my family's home church, but I grew up in Florida and moved back to Indianapolis my senior year of high school. I always tell peole that Stan sat in the front row and I sat in the back row. Sometimes our preferences never change!

4. You love to entertain. What's one fall recipe you look forward to making every year?
I really don't consider myself a cook. In fact, I would have majored in home economics if I would not have had to cook! I do like to try new recipes, but when you say fall recipe, I think of starting to make chili again. I don't have a special recipe and do different things to it! One of my college friends gave me a hot Swedish soup recipe that I always enjoy!

5. What's your favorite verse of scripture?
One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." This is a great promise when going through difficult times that things will work out for our good. I have seen in my life and hear other people's stories of how looking bakc, we realize that it was a God thing that particulare circumstances happened the way they did.

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