Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guest Feature: Kate's Quarterlife Crisis

By Kate Morgan

Last month, both my brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law sent me an article about the “Quarterlife Crisis.” The article detailed a phenomenon happening with 20- and 30-somethings characterized by indecision, isolation, confusion and anxiety about work, relationships and direction.

Just another narcissistic article for the most narcissistic generation? That’s what I initially thought.

But I think my chest started to tighten a bit after the article specifically mentioned taking a “trip to Peru” to find yourself. Who knew that when I dragged my mom to Peru last summer I was in full-on crisis mode? Really? Eh, probably not, but for the sake of a kitschy blog post title, I’m gonna go with it.

So now what? Well, what helps in a time a crisis? Yes, that’s right; it’s a list of goals! And the wonderful people over at Day Zero decided to help me out by creating the 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days Project.

Oh man, I love lists. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than to check something off of a list once it’s completed. Hmm … maybe that made me seem a little sad.

Moving on.

Some goals will certainly be more challenging than others; just as some goals are clearly more serious than others.

Below is a sampling of my list. It is a sampling because 1) I have been told to keep things snappy and 2) because some of my goals are a little too personal to broadcast to complete strangers. No offense.

OK, here we go, broken down by category, naturally:

1. Visit an Asian country
3. Visit Seattle
7. See a ballgame at three more stadiums
9. Have a local give me a tour of Chicago

13. Go skydiving
14. Hike up a mountain
17. Ride a horse
18. Go snorkeling

Culture and stuff
23. Go to the ballet
25. Read LOTR trilogy
28. Try sushi
31. Watch Cirque de Soleil

34. Knit a friend a baby blanket
39. Volunteer 100 hours
41. Donate $20 for every item not completed

43. Eat a raw diet for two weeks
48. Complete the 100 push up challenge
50. Complete a half marathon
51. Touch my toes without bending my knees

52. Read through the Bible
53. Become conversationally fluent in Spanish
62. Take a CPR class
63. Learn to drive a stick shift

67. Catch up with an old friend
69. Send out Christmas cards
71. Take my parents to dinner

73. Grow tomatoes
75. Go carless for a week
78. Plant a tree

Just for me
85. Pay off car
86. Save all my change
88. Get set up on a blind date

Just for fun
92. Take a picture every day for a month
95. See a sing-along version of The Sound of Music
100. Fly a kite

Want to join in the fun? Let us know in the comments section — and you’ll be helping me complete goal #72: Get five people to make a 101 in 1001 list.

Kate Morgan is the marketing project manager at Olivet Nazarene University.


  1. Loved this! I'm considering making a list, but I'm scared of commitment. Maybe I'll make a list of 2 things to accomplish in the next 202 days.

  2. Okay, Katie, there are some things on here we need to check off RIGHT NOW. Like, immediately. Come over to my house and we'll eat sushi and fly kites and you can even weed our tomato patch, just for kicks.

    Fun list, for reals.
