Friday, July 3, 2009

Five on Friday

Featuring Jean Bakke, administrative assistant for the School of Theology and Christian Ministry

How did you come to Olivet?

Originally, I had asked my brother to apply here, telling him that Olivet was where he belonged. About two months after he started working here he learned of a part-time position that was available and called me. I didn’t plan to return to work at that time as I was a stay home mother but I ended up applying for it.

After I left the interview, I wanted the position more than I had ever wanted another job before. I was sitting on a beach when I received the call that David Pickering was trying to reach me. My prayers had been answered. I have never felt so safe and cared for in any position I have ever held before. When I wanted this experience for my brother, I didn’t realize that I really was reaching for my own connection to Olivet.

What is your favorite part of working on a male-dominated floor?

I think that it’s not the fact that they are male; it is the joy of who they are. Each is unique to one another. They all possess a tender thoughtfulness that makes it a pleasure to witness. It is one of my greatest blessings to be among them.

If you could spend the day with your kids doing anything you wanted, what would you do?

I could think of hundreds of things that we could do that would cost lots of money, but I guess I would just want to spend a day with them when I knew that they felt content in the moment — no matter where we are.

How are you spending your summer vacation?

As I will be off work for the next six weeks, I anticipate a lot of down time. We will sleep in and relax as much as possible. I think that we thrive best with structure, but this will be a welcomed break!

What is your favorite Fourth of July tradition?

I like to go home to Momence, Ill., to watch the fireworks. I like the thought of connecting my childhood to my children’s childhoods.

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