Held on the anniversary of the theatrical debut of Star Wars: A New Hope, Geek Pride Day is a relatively new phenomenon that has been gaining momentum since its inception in 2006. This year, celebrations are planned around the world, including festivals in the U.S., Canada, Israel, France, Belgium and Romania. Fittingly, it shares the same day as two other science-fiction “holidays”: Towel Day (for fans of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and Glorious 25th of May (for fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld).
So how exactly does one go about celebrating his/her inner geek? Wired.com suggests recognizing the five reasons to be proud of your geekiness , which may lead you to reciting the “Basic Rights and Responsibilities of Geeks.” Associated Content offers helpful party tips, such as competitive gaming, a local film festival or even Star Trek costumes.
Or perhaps you can recreate the very first Geek Pride Day celebration.
On May 25, 2006 in Madrid, Spain, 300 self-proclaimed geeks arranged themselves to form a human replica of a favorite video game character. What character was it?
Take a guess in the comments section, and we’ll post the correct answer next week.
Answer to last week’s question: The series finale of Friends, which aired May 6, 2004, attracted 52.5 million viewers. Congrats to Megan for guessing correctly.
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