Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: Mr. President

It’s Homecoming week on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University! This is always an exciting time of the year as hundreds of alumni and friends will return to Bourbonnais to remember and celebrate their alma mater.

In the midst of the festivities, the Alumni Board will gather for their annual meeting to discuss how to best serve the 32,500 Olivetians living across the United States and around the world. Current University bylaws restrict alumni board presidents (currently Mark Quanstrom) to two terms of three years each. Back in the day, though, there was no such limit.

With 26 years of service, which ONU alum will forever hold the record for the longest run as alumni board president?

Hint: A campus landmark was named in honor of his father’s service to ONU.

Take a guess in the comments section, and we’ll post the correct answer next week.

Answer to last week’s question : Candy bars are the most popular type of candy purchased for trick-or-treaters, and of those, Snickers is number one.


  1. Frank Knowledge.

    (And you thought the tree in the quad was named after the Eden account...)

  2. I would if I could, but I don't think I have a prayer of guessing this one . . .

    Oh, wait...

    Who are they naming the new chapel after?

  3. Selden Kelley Jr. was Alumni President for many years and the former President's Home on Campus which is now the Center for Student Success was named after his father. Kandra Dilts Hewett - Class of '88

  4. Oh, you are so close! The former president's home, current Center for Student Success, is actually named after Hardy C. Powers.

    It's a small but mighty chapel on campus that bears Mr. Kelley's name. And since technically we didn't request that info, you are this week's winner! Congrats!
