Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: U.S. States

There’s still plenty of summer yet to enjoy, and families everywhere are finding ways to have one last “hurrah” before school begins. Many will hit the road, seeing the best that the great U.S. of A. has to offer — which inevitably leads to time-passing competitions.

As your kids start playing the license plate game, see if they can figure out this spelling trivia:

What is the only letter of the alphabet that does NOT appear in the name of a U.S. state?

Take a guess in the “Comments” section, and we’ll post the correct answer next week.

Answer to last week’s question: A. Chicago native Gary Fencik, who led the Bears in tackles in 1985, was also a graduate of Yale. Kudos to KellieC and Roy for answering correctly!


  1. You certainly know your letters! But once again, I can neither confirm nor deny the accuracy of your guess. ; )
