Friday, July 31, 2009

Editor's Choice: July 2009

After a relatively quiet month, there’s a buzz of excitement on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University today. The Chicago Bears have officially moved in, and the first practice of pre-season training camp is this afternoon at 3:00.

What’s my role in it all? Mostly, to stay inside and keep the marketing projects rolling. Sigh…

At least there are plenty of great online features to enjoy from the comfort of my office chair. Here are some of my favorites from the month of July:

Holy Spirit leads at General Assembly
As featured on

The months leading up to General Assembly were filled with meeting after meeting to plan and finalize details for Olivet’s trip to Orlando. So after all that preparation, I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into.

Boy was I wrong.

The Holy Spirit moved throughout our plans and agendas to create an unforgettable assembly we won’t soon forget. This article by Kate Morgan sums up the experience quite nicely.

And make sure not to miss the link in this article for the spontaneous celebration of Eugenio Duarte’s historic election to the position of general superintendent. It was an incredible moment for the Church of the Nazarene and touched all of us at Olivet very deeply.

Read the story

50 states. 50 races.
As featured on and in the upcoming August issue of Alumni & Friends E-news

I’ve read this article by Casey Manes a few times now, and I go back and forth on my feelings about Kelly’s goal to run 50 half-marathons in 50 states. Partly, I think it’s crazy. But more than that, I think it’s incredibly cool.

If a self-proclaimed non-runner can pull this off, surely I can go on a quick jog around my neighborhood.

Kudos, Kelly! You’re an inspiration to us all.

Read the story

Faculty Changes
As featured on YouTube

Ok, so admittedly this video is slightly old, as online videos go. But I didn’t discover it until July 1 and then simply couldn’t resist putting it on my list.

Featuring an Oscar-worthy performance by theatre professor Jerry Cohagen, as well as several all-star faculty cameos, this video will have you laughing from the moment you click “play.” It was produced by Cohagen and fellow Communication professor Mark Bishop for an ONU faculty meeting that took place shortly after Dr. Gregg Chenoweth was named the new dean of academic affairs.

The future of Olivet
As featured in Olivet’s “General Assembly” collection on Flickr

Between the Alumni & Friends breakfast and the Olivet booth in the exhibition hall, we had the pleasure of interacting with thousands of alumni, friends, and future ONU students while at General Assembly in Orlando.

Of course, it goes without saying that some were a bit cuter than others. There were tons of adorable photos, but here are a few of my favorites:

Did I miss something?
Editor’s choice is made up of online stories, videos, pictures and more created by ONU students, faculty, staff and alumni. Tell us your favorites from July in the “Comments” section, or e-mail me at to make a recommendation for next month.

Heather (Quimby) Day '02 is the director of marketing communications for Olivet Nazarene University and serves as the editor for The Olivetian,, Alumni & Friends E-news and Tiger Bytes.

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