Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: Quest for Columbus

Students of Olivet Nazarene University are currently enjoying well-deserved rest during their first extended break of the 2009-2010 school year. ONU’s Fall Study Break is traditionally observed during the second week of October, thereby corresponding with the celebration of Columbus Day, the second Monday of every October.

Thanks to a clever kindergarten rhyme, chances are good you remember when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. But do you remember why?

The monarchs of Spain had commissioned Columbus to look for something that would bring them great wealth. What was it?

a) Gold
b) Slaves
c) Lands to conquer
d) A route by water to markets of eastern Asia

Take a guess in the comments section, and we’ll post the correct answer next Tuesday.
Answer to last week’s question: Goat owner Billy Sianis sent the “cursed” telegram to Philip K. Wrigley, chewing gum manufacturer and owner of the Chicago Cubs.

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