Friday, October 9, 2009

Five on Friday

Featuring Beth Olney, director of the Center for Student Success

What's one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were a freshman in college?

I wish someone had encouraged me to figure out how I learn best. I was going at my studies all wrong and didn't get it turned around until my junior year. Once I figured it out, school became easy for me!

What is your definition of a successful person?

Someone who is balanced in all areas of life. When my life is chaotic, I don't feel very successful.

You help head efforts for Marriage Inc. What's one of your secrets to a healthy marriage?

Kent and I function like a team. We are pulling for each other, rather than feeling like we are competing against each other. I'm his biggest cheerleader and he is mine.

You and your husband have two sons. What was the best part about being the only lady of the house?

The hugs they pass out. And the playful way they make fun of me.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

I am really an all day person! It does take me a few minutes to wake up, but once I'm awake, I'm ready for the day, and then can go for hours.

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