Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Word of the Week Wednesday: Abstemious

Abstemious (adjective)


Marked by restraint, especially in the consumption of food or alcohol

Example Sentence:
Appalled by the digits appearing on his bathroom scale, Fred knew it was time he commit to an abstemious diet, once and for all.

Did you know?

If you know anything about the Church of the Nazarene, you know that encouraging abstemious behavior has always been at the core of our identity. This past summer, though, the international denomination moved a new vice into the spotlight: gluttony.

During the Church’s General Assembly in Orlando, it was determined that a new paragraph on "Wellness" will be added to the resolutions section of the Manual. It affirms health and exercise, makes a distinction between obesity and gluttony, and discourages gluttony.

Is gluttony a problem? Yes. Was it a good move for the Church? You bet.

But boy will I miss those heaping helpings of taco tater tot casserole at our church’s next potluck dinner.

Definition and pronunciation taken from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

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