Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trivia Tuesday: Can you hear me now?

The human ear is a fascinating and complicated organ that significantly enhances our daily encounters with the world around us.

Whether in biology class or your family physician’s exam room, chances are good you’ve stared at a diagram of the inner, middle and inner sections of these unique appendages at least a time or two.

Often times, though, the name for a less glamorous part doesn’t quite make the cut on these charts.

What’s the little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, called?

Not-so-very-helpful hint: If you happen to know Greek (don’t we all?), the name for this part comes from the Greek word for “goat” because of the generally hairy covering on its under surface, resembling a goat’s beard.

Take a guess in the “Comments” section and we’ll post the correct answer next week.
Answer to last week’s question: According to the Princeton Review, the most popular major selected by college students is “business administration and management.” Olivet Nazarene University offers associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees in business administration.


  1. And I believe that is a VERY good guess. But you'll have to check back next Tuesday to know for sure...

  2. I knew this answer because my 17 year old daughter wants her tragus pierced. :-)
